Stories are the currency we use to share our lives and experiences with others. Meet some of the people and organizations served by Foundation-funded programs, and learn how they are making a difference in communities across Colorado.


At the 2018 Colorado Health Symposium, we invited attendees – participants, speakers and policymakers alike – to join us and bring their voice to the important and pressing…

Amarah’s Story There are some topics of conversation that, understandably, leave 15-year-old Amarah staring off into the distance, unable or unwilling to say more than the…

Antonia and Matilde share how they first found Re:Vision's promotora program and how it has improved the lives of the people they support in their community and their own…

Academy 360 is driven by the mission to develop students’ minds, bodies and characters so they may lead healthy and fulfilling lives in school, college and beyond…

The thunder of horses’ hooves once filled Antonito’s rodeo arena. Crowds flocked here to celebrate the heritage of the San Luis Valley, where people have farmed and ranched…

At the Prairie Family Center in Burlington, Deena Ziegler and her team have learned to look on the bright side. When a family in need arrives at their brick storefront…

Doug Miller runs a family health clinic in Rocky Ford, a town of fewer than 4,000 residents in Colorado’s Lower Arkansas Valley. And “runs” perfectly describes his work. “…

The lure of telehealth comes in large part from hearing the countless series of frustrating or unproductive health encounters that good technology might improve. The Army…

Q&A with Health First Colorado (formerly Medicaid) Medical Director, Judy Zerzan, MD, MPH Judy…

A psychiatrist who works with Colorado Access clients from a home office in Evergreen wanted to demonstrate to her colleagues what telehealth meant to her practice and to…

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